Category: Life Happens
Poor Kitty
If life weren’t crazy enough my shorthair Tyson has begun a spiral I am not sure he will survive. Before we went to Transformus his eating pattern began to change. When we got back my mom who took care of him said he ate little to nothing while we were away. We watched him carefully…
Coffee at Andy’s
My father-in-law, Bill Dietz, aka Baker Bill has taken up writing in his spare time. He’s turning out some wonderful material and has graciously allowed me to reprint one of his latest works after visiting us. I think many of you can relate. Enjoy! Coffee at Andy’s Coffee at Andy’s,“Oh, Boy, I can’t waitâ€! One…
The Year Ahead
I want this year to be productive. Everyone should. Is moping a good way to spend your time? Where are you going to be at the end of it? What will it have gained you? Nothing is not an option. Let’s work on something better than nothing; something productive, proactive, growth related. You can only…
Few more steps back, property loss for the caffe
Wish we had known sooner is all I can really desire. After months of delivery slides the Levine property group has decided to halt construction of their galleria location due to steel costs. At least that is what we are being told. The cost of steel has risen to such a degree that it would…
Whistle while I work..
Life is moving quickly. The last few weeks have been pretty frantic, but the lat few days.. it’s feeling like a deep sigh. Our property managment negs came to a head with our consultants talking directly to them. Hopefully we’ll see that deal come to a real LOI by the end of the week. On…