Category: Points In Time

  • Peter Jennings, 1938-2005

    It saddens me to see an icon of mine and my parents generation pass on. Peter Jennings has been a staple of ABC news for as long as I remember and before. His compassion, diligence, and curiousity brought so much news to American’s every day. Here’s to his memory and the hope that more individuals…

  • Thought Forge

    I love it when you feel you are on the cusp of good ideas and many people you run into are resonating. I’m reading a latest thread on [Creating Passionate Users](, “Creating an Intention Calendar”, and of course it resonates. Beth ran along the same lines of [Mark Cunningham]( (and others) in “We are what…

  • Whistle while I work..

    Life is moving quickly. The last few weeks have been pretty frantic, but the lat few days.. it’s feeling like a deep sigh. Our property managment negs came to a head with our consultants talking directly to them. Hopefully we’ll see that deal come to a real LOI by the end of the week. On…

  • Lies, Deceit., and Ignored Reality

    I’m going to pin this in a point in time. Something that should not be forgotten. Symptoms: * Ignores Reality * Ignores Logic * Makes Emotional Decisions * Overly Promises but Under Delivers * Ends to a Means Thought Process * Hightened Forgetfulness * Quick to Anger * Sharp Finger Pointing These are just a…

  • Hurdling Property Management

    On Friday Jeff and I were scheduled to visit Levine for a first meet. Levine is the property managment firm of the Galleria slice we are considering. Jeff had ownership of the content with the help of Bellissimo. They delivered a presentation plan that we then dressed up (being graphic/layout afficionados) and had AlphaGraphics bring…

  • Happy New Year, 2004-2005

    >We are here to experience. Experience takes time. Time takes patience. Patience is a long, if not a whole-life lesson to be learned. Every year I am reminded of this. Let us make well thought actions that create a better tomorrow than we had yesterday. I have a plan to implement and a future to…

  • Charlotte Latin Class of 94, 10 Year Reunion

    Last night Charlotte Latin had our reunion at Tutto Mundo. I must say while I was looking forward to seeing some people, I was more worried that the turnout was going to be lacking since the early sign-up list was really shy of people I was good friends with. One soul I thought I could…