Category: On the Radar

  • A Collective Blink

    Did we all just blink at the same time? My beloved neighbor, Jeff, is installing a fence. OOopps.. They severed my cable connection. Hah! They didn’t sever Jeff’s. It’s all good though. Time Warner stepped out tonight and dropped another line in my yard. No really. They liked the other three pairs that they’ve put…

  • Post Weekend Summary Oct 6-7

    Just thought I’d give some impressions of my weekend before it all fades from memory. We had Robin’s folks up, Karen and Bill, to go with Jeff and Uma to the [Renaissance Festival]( It was fantastic day to be outdoors. Sunny, little to no breeze, and a nice clean crisp fall day. Since this will…

  • A National Day of Mourning

    I believe today we need to take a moment and understand what we have done. Through post 9/11 conditioning, moral authority, ignorance, hypocrisy, and xenophobia the majority of Americans have voted in a man who believes in Chrisitan [Eschatology]( and American dominance. Can anyone honestly say we are [safer from terroism]( Instead of hunting down…

  • Charlotte Latin Class of 94, 10 Year Reunion

    Last night Charlotte Latin had our reunion at Tutto Mundo. I must say while I was looking forward to seeing some people, I was more worried that the turnout was going to be lacking since the early sign-up list was really shy of people I was good friends with. One soul I thought I could…

  • A Bad Day for the Echo

    Last night Robin got into a fender bender on her way to UNCC for her Wed. class. One of those 15 year things that happens in the span of a breath. Everyone is merging, someone cuts in front of someone else, causing a young inexperienced driver to slam on their breaks right at the moment…

  • Need.. More.. Weekend..

    This weekend was good. It was full. It was a mix of work and trying to avoid work. It was a lot of thought even when in downtime thinking of our new coffee establishment. Jeff needed some help on Saturday so we did lunch and stopped by Caribou to remember why we didn’t like them.…

  • More steeping for Senior Andy, Jackson’s Java

    I find myself again, like a waking a coffee house. Ok ok, so we are working on seeing what all java is offered in Charlotte. Last night we enjoyed a better than Bucks cup at the Dillworth Coffee House in Matthews. Tonight after Robin’s class I find myself in pretty much the only place…