Author: andy

  • Few more steps back, property loss for the caffe

    Wish we had known sooner is all I can really desire. After months of delivery slides the Levine property group has decided to halt construction of their galleria location due to steel costs. At least that is what we are being told. The cost of steel has risen to such a degree that it would…

  • Quote: Charles Wells

    >We can only change the world by changing men. — Charles Wells

  • New York, Espresso, Eats, et al

    I’ve been absent, lost in New York. No not really, it was Robin’s 27th birthday and we were there for her grandmothers 85th. This was our best trip to New York yet. While we hammed it up on Long Island (Hicksville) with the family half the time, the other half was spent travelling for good…

  • iMac G5

    Today we recieved our early Xmas present to ourselves. A 17″ iMac G5. While Robin has a Mac laptop we had no real place to get our workdone. The home PC is well, a Windows PC, and Windows is just not cool enough. I’ve been reluctant to work on my Ti400 laptop. It’s just too…

  • MPAA & RIAA at it again

    Their at it again. The MPAA and RIAA proposing a triple bill to try and lock your consumer content rights away. Get busy, and contact [your representative](! Action Alert: Horror Triple Bill for Digital Technology This Thursday, the heads of the MPAA and RIAA presented to the House Subcommittee on the Courts, the Internet, and…

  • Quote: George Bernard Shaw

    >There is no love sincerer than the love of food. — George Bernard Shaw

  • Functional but not yet finished

    A friend and I were discussing homeownership yesterday and talking about how much it costs to really furnish a house for both functional and artistic value. It’s a helluva lot more than anyone ever thinks about in the short-term. Kitchen alone since I’ve moved in (4+ years ago) we put in: new appliances, 2k tile,…