Category: In my Kitchen

  • Smoothie 101

    Smoothies! Easy as can be. Quick for a meal-replacement (MRP), a way to buffer your macros, and can be taken on the go. I’ve been asked by numerous people to put what I do for MRP/smoothie making as I’ve been making them since my 20’s. Having them available instead of garbage fillers will keep you…

  • Spagetti Sopressata Bake

    This week I’ve had a need for a spagetti bake.  Who knows why–comfort, memory, noodle casserole desire. I just wanted one. I let some intuition do the driving here as I wasn’t quite sure what I was up to but had a good inkling of where it was going to head.  This is not a quick recipe but it is rewarding…

  • 5th Roast, Ethiopian Ghimbi

    Continuing on my pilgramage of heat gun roasting we decided to give the Ethiopian a try. Robin and I enjoy a lot of coffees but we’ve found a love for the fruitier blends and Ethiopian’s generally do not disappoint. My real concern is that if I am going to continue this I need to start…

  • Roaster Humor

    Today I did my first 250g peaberry roast.  Working in a new bowl, with a lot larger volume, and a bean that I am unfamiliar with.  I’ll taste it in the morning, curious of the results.  I was probably 80-90% even in roast. It just had it’s first crack at a very slow pace which…

  • Continued Espresso Work

    I keep thinking of the book [Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance]( as I work on this project. Everything people create is a form of communication. They tell you what they think of the state of things. They let you know what they think of you and maybe some of themself. Sometimes you can…

  • Nuova Simonelli Work

    I’ve got to post. I keep saying tomorrow and now my [Sciral]( is deep in red. I don’t like being deep in red, so lets start something. I’ve decided to modify my espresso machine and to a _light_ extent at this time my grinder. Welcome to the innards of a Nuova Simonelli Oscar. The Sirai…

  • Functional but not yet finished

    A friend and I were discussing homeownership yesterday and talking about how much it costs to really furnish a house for both functional and artistic value. It’s a helluva lot more than anyone ever thinks about in the short-term. Kitchen alone since I’ve moved in (4+ years ago) we put in: new appliances, 2k tile,…