Category: On the Radar
What’s the Frequency?
This is a test using Frequency 2.0 OSX Blogging client. Man will I be happy if this works. I have a lot of excuses to my absence of post or review or anything, and all of them have viable merits but it all falls upon my shoulders for not working through it all. To sum…
I’m a married man
I’m a married man now. My bride is the always radiant Robin Ciordia. We got married at the Mecklenburg County Old Courthouse. It was quite simple, and true to form had the Ciordia humor front and center. During the ceremony the Magistrate pronounced my name Ricardo. I said, Richard, but she did it again, Ricardo,…
I fell in love but have no picture to prove it..
Ode to a bourguignon…. A realm, for whatever reason, I have not ventured into is beef sauces. I’ve been in a merry affair with a blond roux or simple white wine sauce that rich beefy sauces were too much trouble, I thought.. I have been put to shame. Tonight we made a Beef Bourguignon.
ebay ebay gonna sell on eeebay…
So I’m selling my Barista on good ol’ebay. We just don’t have room for everything anymore. We drink french press these days and we still have our eyes on a few more things the kitchen is going to have to absorb in the vacinity of the wedding so.. better to pass it along.. Gave it…
its been another busy one
First and foremost, happy Fourth of July. A date when we celebrated our indepedence from sovereignty. Our forefathers worked very hard to create a system that would not allow any one ruler through a series of checks and balances. They understood that the human character was a weak and fragile one. It is unfortunate that…
birthday breakfast!
Ah to have such a lovely soul as my fiancee. She awoke early to bring me a great cup of press and is cooking me a wonderful breakfast of french toast and bacon. I am truly a lucky man. Today should be fairly good. I’ll be picking up Jeff this morning so that we can…
a little celebration with family
Last night my mom, stepfather, sister, and nephew threw me a little birthday dinner. My fiancee and I arrived around 5 to a very relaxed sunday gathering. Ray, my stepfather, had prepaired some slow cooked finger licking ribs, corn, and coleslaw. Followed by cake and icecream that my sister had aquired for me.