Category: On the Radar

  • BackPack, Its nice, but its not enough.

    I should know better than to expect something I really want to be what it really should be. Kudos to 37signals for making BackPack, a “Wiki without the Wacky”. They took a very simple concept for not very deep ideas and are going to let people take hold of concepts that many may not have…

  • Good Morning

    It’s Monday. Let’s see if I can do some summaries. Last week we met with []( and had a great time. We had an honest and friendly conversation with Dale Harrold. He was in banking for over 20 years, bought and sold companies for 8, and has been with Self-Help for 2. We learned a…

  • How do we teach accountability?

    >”A year ago this week, the release of shocking photographs of naked and hooded Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison alerted the world to serious human rights abuses by U.S. forces. Those images, it turned out, were the tip of an iceberg: Subsequent investigations by the media, human rights groups and the military itself revealed…

  • Staking it all down

    Little by little it’s all coming together. We’ve confirmed reservations in Milan at Hotel Baviera Mokinba for our entry and departure hotel. Very reasonable and right next to the train terminal. We’re still playing around with where to stay after Milan. We basically have two nights before we have to be in Florence. We looked…

  • Happy Birthday Jeff!

    Muahahha.. how can I let this slide? Everyone, it’s [Jeff’s]( birthday, go bug him, pinch his cheek and tell him how cute he is.. To recap quickly, we dined yesterday at Upstream, a fine local establishment that has very very good fare. For lunch Jeff and I ate at New Zealand Cafe and had a…

  • Injured Player

    So you’re saying to this, what maiming, what problem does he have again? If only a picture could scream. Jeff’s dog, Uma, and myself were doing some of her favorite activites of fetch. Being such a high drive animal, and getting her amp’d futher into said state is a dangerous thing to do since she…

  • Another Weekend Plotting

    We got a slew of responses from my request. We’ve got to iron out the days and the start and end point. However I think we are good on where. Milan, Venice, Florence, Excursion to Siena or San Gimignano, through/break in Pisa, & Cinque Terre. Need to see what fares very between starting/stopping in Milan,…