Category: On the Radar
Burn baybee..
Ok, I’ve switched my syndication from my own RSS/Atom generator provided by [MovableType]( to [FeedBurner]( “Feedburner Feed”). The nice thing about this is it will include my []( and [Flickr]( new items. I think we will get a lot more gas out of using this new service. Please update your feeds accordingly. -a
Playing around with [TagCloud]( this morning. It can take any number of rss feeds and produce a tagcloud of it. Pretty neat.
Caffe Nuance Bumpersticker
Cafe Press had a deal going on for store owners so I made up a bumpersticker for the shop. You know you want one. We’re going to have so much fun with our shop here in Charlotte. Charlotte has a lot of unmet needs and we hope we can provide an outlet for some growth.
Ranted to Flickr
I was trolling [flickr]( tonight, adding some new pics we had taken, deleting other ones too soon ( 🙁 ) hehe. When I thought again on how the web doesn’t support a family, it doesn’t support your community, it only supports the individual and even that is hurt by the absence of the connected rest.…
From the front
Phew.. back from Italy but right into a work move. We moved our offices today down the block but it might as well have been down the road. Jeff and I moved mountains of data, and then today did the physical work and man, at 100′ out in the sun it was a hoot. heheh.…
Hello.. Goodbye.. Buongiorno
I have been so busy.. so very very very busy.. My day jobs office is moving. If moving weren’t a difficult enough thing we’ve decided to cut out our infrastructure and really go lean. Not a bad thing at all, but I’m going on vacation and coming back right when our move occurs. I think…