Category: On the Radar

  • Candyfaith

    I’ve known Michael Quigley for near 15 years. He’s an amazing individual if you ever get the chance to meet him. By day he leads the development of massive scaling websites (250m+ hits a day) and in his downtime can be found wielding instruments with such precision you’d think he was a Norwegian prog god.…

  • A Sucker for the Super

    Blame TechCrunch and my biding time for the New Year. Superheros Look I have some super-girl in me. Kick ass. Your results:You are Superman Superman 60% Iron Man 55% The Flash 55% Supergirl 50% Green Lantern 45% Hulk 45% Batman 45% Robin 39% Spider-Man 35% Wonder Woman 30% Catwoman 25% You are mild-mannered, good, strong…

  • Carl Sagan Remembered

    [Today]( is a day for remembering a great man who pushed the scientific community and at root was very much a humanist, [Carl Sagan]( Who that remembers, doesn’t have a chill of thinking about the Voyager golden record? Or as a child was privy to watch and maybe read [Cosmos]( For me Sagan spurred my…

  • Thanksgiving Recap

    We got back in town yesterday (Sunday) to a throng of people ebbing and flowing from the Charlotte airport. I tried to get USAir to let me out above the Chester [DropZone]( but they would have none of it. Oh well. Maybe next weekend heheh! Our trip to Pensacola was great. We had some great…

  • Rinse, Repeat, Accelerate

    The U.S. Thanksgiving Holiday is upon us. While I’m a bit murky on the level of ire I have towards the concept we’re heading to Pensacola, FL to visit some family. We’ve been rather busy per-usual here in the Ciordia household. Robin’s classes are getting close to finals and since she has online courses they…

  • October 3, Day Against DRM

    Protect your freedom! (DRM) DRM is used to restrict what you and your family can do with the electronic devices and media purchased. It is an attempt by technology and media companies to take away your rights. DRM Means: No fair use. No purchase and resell. No private copies. No sharing. No backup. No swapping.…

  • AFF Jump 2, Success

    Two down! The second jump was far far better than my first and leaves me with a great feeling of accomplishment. It can’t be described how wacky you get on a first jump. Your senses are overloaded and what that translates into is an easy ability to get lost, bewildered, and confused. On my first…