
I’ve known Michael Quigley for near 15 years. He’s an amazing individual if you ever get the chance to meet him. By day he leads the development of massive scaling websites (250m+ hits a day) and in his downtime can be found wielding instruments with such precision you’d think he was a Norwegian prog god. Michael hasn’t ever released music for profit he’s in the game because it’s more expression to him and he loves doing what he does. Robin and I had him over the other night and he brought with him one of his latest projects, Candyfaith. A combination of Michael’s musical prowess with vocals and lyrics by Holly Johnson. He’s produced an early demo cut of their work on his site or you can check it out on as well. He’s done a number of projects in recent years from the metal to the melodious. This project has a number of axis to it making it hard to box in (just like Michael would like hah 😉 ). Overtones of synth, fully engaged bass lines, vocals of a sultry and sweet woman; it’s got some promise. I look forward to seeing where this project goes and hope he takes it out of the studio. Michael loves feedback so drop him some if you have time.