Author: andy
Chocolate Love has left the building…
Playing around with digg and I run across "Singer Isaac Hayes quits South Park" and I think to myself, nooo.. whose going to sing about Chef’s Chocolate Salty Balls? Chef: Hello There Children Kids: hey Chef Stan: Chef whats a prostitute? Chef: Ugh where do you kids get this stuff.Where do baby’s come from chef,whats…
Monday Morning Coffee
Good morning fellow readers. It is again Monday. After going through some of my routine I’ve taken a break. Enjoying another fantastic cup of Bolivia [Juan de Dios Blanco]( and listening Cado Bejo from Bebel Gillberto. If only I could get paid to drink coffee and listen to music right? 😉 The weeks are chopping…
Quote: Henry Miller
>The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself. — Henry Miller
Continued Espresso Work
I keep thinking of the book [Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenance]( as I work on this project. Everything people create is a form of communication. They tell you what they think of the state of things. They let you know what they think of you and maybe some of themself. Sometimes you can…
Nuova Simonelli Work
I’ve got to post. I keep saying tomorrow and now my [Sciral]( is deep in red. I don’t like being deep in red, so lets start something. I’ve decided to modify my espresso machine and to a _light_ extent at this time my grinder. Welcome to the innards of a Nuova Simonelli Oscar. The Sirai…
I don’t want to be an ant.
If you haven’t had the pleasure of watching Waking Life. It’s worth a spin. Really it’s worth a few spins. Besides it being an early rotoscoping film in an era that is seeing it done more and more it’s a great work of art and psychology. Check it out on a day you want to…