Author: andy

  • Save Your Expiring Family Cultures

    It’s a time of year when families draw near and if yours goes beyond the grabbing, ripping, digesting of the season you might get a tale or two from your peers and elders. If not this is for you to work on that. Is Your Family History Fading? Here in America I feel we are…

  • Trying to Fall for Autumn

    Waiting for the sky to behave is like waiting for water to boil. It will happen when it’s ready and it won’t happen before then.  There are a few places around the area I keep thinking…  If the sky would just open up here, the blazing sun would make it look like the leaves are…

  • Life is Uncertain, Make the Most of It

    “There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” –Albert Einstein The longer I walk forward the more I understand it’s not about the destination. This is something that you are supposed to learn as a child. We’re always reminded…

  • Market Days

    It’s a slow day at the markets today. Thought I might pen a quick post during the idle time. We start the morning at 5:30a. Many farmers we know start even earlier. It can be quite a trial getting up and out the door. Not to mention finding the energy to greet and explain your…

  • Caught by Google in Italy

    When Robin and I were in Turin, Italy we noticed the Google geo-car running around after we got a fresh buzz from some chocolate and coffee. Although I haven’t caught the shot yet of us waving at the car, the car definitely caught us while abroad. View Larger Map Now until they trace their paths…

  • Home Servers Grow Up So Fast

    It’s been long overdue re-haul. “So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish“, penned by Douglas Adams. For any who know me I’ve been a systems engineer a long time. Being such a creature makes you want to create all your own solutions and keep everything close to home. I was one who liked to…

  • Working With Family, Digital Ideas That Can Help

    In these economic climes it makes sense to play with businesses close to the vest. If you are lucky enough to have a bunch of family that can become your coworkers then you’ll save a massive amount in overhead. The Family that Makes Chocolate Together… We’ve been told a lot lately that Robin and I…