Wall-what? Hog? Like taking up space? That’s right, another beautiful concept from [Mark Seremet](http://markeseremet.blogspot.com/index.html), [Wallhogs](http://www.wallhogs.com/) takes media and makes it _big_. How big? As Mark will tell you, “[..] from 24″ to 7 feet tall X up to 52″”.
Back in the early days of digital media transfer I used to get my art printed onto canvas via a rebel with an iris. The problem was as a starving artist how do you get people to spend hundreds of dollars and you net nothing? I couldn’t figure it out either so I went corporate. Now though the game is different the costs are lower and the effect is huge. [Wallhogs](http://www.wallhogs.com/) can print on poster, vinyl, or canvas for some very reasonable rates.
If you have a photo you’ve been wanting to do something special to maybe this is your opportunity. The flip side is if you don’t have something you want, Wallhogs has bought into a number of photo catalogs and that might give you some ideas on how to fill up some space.