Tag: review

  • Review: The Fifth Season

    The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin My rating: 4 of 5 stars   Liquid Hot Magma! This is a read that does not disappoint. It’s got some peculiarities and some rather off timed vulgarities but overall I found the entire beginning to this epic fascinating. The prose is well done. I can feel rocks now.…

  • Review: A Gathering of Shadows

    A Gathering of Shadows by V.E. Schwab My rating: 4 of 5 stars Wow.. Bastard left us at a cliffhanger, though. Sigh.. I try not to start things that don’t have endings. Humans are pained by things they don’t know. This pains me. heheh. Ok, so welcome back to three–er–four–London’s. The indefatigable Delilah, the Royal…

  • Review: Children of Time

    Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky My rating: 4 of 5 stars What an interesting read. I’m so glad I finished it. I had a character moment that I .. just.. umfphforthesakeofallthingsgoodstopingsostupid .. but I let it pass and really really glad I let it go. lol. It was solid, well thought out; the ingenuity…

  • Review: Warheart

    Warheart by Terry Goodkind My rating: 4 of 5 stars 3.5…4…3.75..3.25..3??…bah.. Ratings are hard m’kay. This is the capstone to a 22-year-old series. I started this series when I was 18. I’m 40 now. Yea… That’s weird. I’ve grown metric tons in my thoughts, beliefs, reading, and everyday life in those years. So I am…

  • Are You Ready for Anything?

    Yesterday I finished David Allen’s “Ready for Anything: 52 Productivity Principles for Work and Life“. If you are in the concourse of productivity, looking for gems and fine tuning, questions to ask yourself (and [ready to answer](http://blog.nuancelabs.com/2007/02/27/the-importance-of-managing-self/)) then you’re ready to read this offering. I’ve had the book in my possession for years. Picked it…

  • 2006 Year in Review

    At the beginning of last year I could not have seen what was to transpire this year. As I grow each year seems more so like that. Maybe it’s due to the embracing of chaos and knowing I can only manifest a few variables, or maybe it is just additive wisdom of the years behind…

  • Caffe Fresco Flossies Blend

    Caffe Fresco has brought out a nice blend that can function in any role from espresso to press. Tony has done this by making a fairly bold blend that teeters into the french roast arena. This lets it stand up and not get lost on any of the levels. After touring some Yirgs this coffee…