Tag: gtd

  • Seeing Red

    We had SCAA which was crazy, then a little vacation, then straight back in to the workflow but should I be this red? ![Sciral: Daily Reoccuring Capture](/images/archive/sciral_bad.png “Sciral: Daily Reoccuring Capture”) Tractioning after being off-schedule for a while takes a serious amount of energy. Maybe if I figured out a set of steps; a “re-entry”…

  • The Year Ahead

    I want this year to be productive. Everyone should. Is moping a good way to spend your time? Where are you going to be at the end of it? What will it have gained you? Nothing is not an option. Let’s work on something better than nothing; something productive, proactive, growth related. You can only…

  • Going Analog, My Hipster PDA

    My new [Hipster PDA](http://www.technorati.com/search/hipster+pda), aka [hPDA](http://www.technorati.com/search/hpda), aka going analog is being spawned by the current disconnect between software, user-interfaces, and people/social context. Technology is at a level that can handle most everything but without clean engineering and interop with a lot of devices, most things have limitations. Limitations equates into irritations which means if you…

  • Early Book Review: Getting Things Done, by David Allen



    While I am still working through David Allen’s book, Getting Things Done, the Art of Stress-Free Productivity; I would like to go ahead and begin my recommendations of it. That being said, it requires input. If you are of the demographic that expects the world to center around you and it should be easy and…