Category: On the Radar

  • Crying Wolfowitz

    Cartoon care of [Gnomz]( Script Care of [The Daily Show](

  • Treo test..

    Downloaded new version of moblog and giving it a spin while at Hops.

  • To the Pain!

    hahahahha.. My good friend Brian and I were chatting this morning on the ills of human behavior. This lead to one of our classic bits of “I… Just… Caaant.. Control.. MUST MAME.. BURN.. DEESSTTRRRRROOOOY..”, well he goes to add “GRR KILL”. I don’t want to kill anyone, I just want them to live in agony…

  • Chocolate & Coffee

    My camera needs bluetooth so I can more easily just dump photos as I go. We had a great Sunday and did pretty much like I had hoped. It started on Saturday night with [Bill]( “Baker Bill”) working hard for the chocolate. He played for the first (sans a little home fudge test) time with…

  • Saturday.. Oooh Yea.. da da da da da daaa da daa

    Just bouncing around here on a beautiful Saturday. It’s pretty damn chilly outside but the sun is out. Maybe its also that I’ve had a few double espresso drinks and I’m ready to get things done that is also powering my peppyness. We’re cleaning up and doing backwork for the most part. Bill Dietz is…

  • Pack it up!

    Heading to Portland tomorrow to the [ABC Coffee School]( for a week of frolicing with equipment and meeting our consultants. This should be a great week. I feel like I have a lot to cinch up here at home so that things can keep moving. I’ve got my lists, I’m checking them multiple times, 5…

  • Planning a Trip

    Posted to [CoffeeGeek]( “Coffee Geek Forum Post”): Before our shop opens in the next year Robin and I are trying to plan a trip. This trip is a rollover of our wedding savings. We never made it to the South Pacific, but we don’t mind. What we are looking for now is a 7-10 day…