Category: On the Radar

  • This morning has been rough

    The cell phone starts getting pages before the sun is even up. I don’t know what occur’d predawn. Did the sun have a coronal ejection and my servers were sensative? 7 out of 10 production services were knocked offline. Whats that? Yes, Poooooo.. I check my email, running through the gammut of paging history and…

  • Oof. Secondaries are as tough.

    So I get all my sheets loaded and I start digesting what it is to have secondary pages.. man I’m going to need new style sheets.. I’ll take from my new one but I need to redo the math and layout a little. More time than I have at the moment.. It’s never simple, nor…

  • Main Page Redesigned

    Wooof.. How long have I been redesigning? 6 months? If I had been able to take a solid two weeks this could have been done ages ago. We deal with what we have and here I am. The main page has been from the ground up rebuilt. Nothing is original MT Template for the main.…

  • Baby steps right?

    I made a call to Southpark Landscaping. The owner was in transit and hard to talk with. I’ll make a call back during his lunch. I figured out what is necessary though. The other duplex owner and myself need to get our 1/2acre redeveloped over time. It’s been 15 years since any real landscaping has…

  • 43 Things

    For those of you who haven’t found [43 Things]( I suggest it. You might even get lost in it. Think of it as a social sphere that is just there to help you reach specific ideas in your world. Below is an ever evolving section of my goals. In 43 Things it’s the centerpiece. Develop…

  • Upcoming Trip

    My wife and I are planning a trip to Italy late May/early June. We’re trying to figure out exactly what is important to us and how we want to spend our time while there. We are planning on staying 7-10 days on a $5-7k USD budget. While I have been to some of Italy it…

  • I’ve got a great lady

    It’s time again for one of Robin’s breaks, and how does she spend her mornings? She’s getting up with me and helping start my day and her own. Yesterday we had delicious fruit, yogurt, granola parfait. For those who haven’t made one of these, I highly recommend it. Get a quality granola, a few pieces…