Category: On the Radar
Weekend Wash
We rose a little before 6am on Saturday getting our things together to head down to Skydive Carolina in Chester, SC. I was scheduled for an 8am AFF (Assisted Free Fall) class to start my multitude of jumps to aquire a class A skydiving license. We arrived on schedule and it was going to be…
Quickies, here I am.
Ah how we love quickies.. well maybe I’m just talking to the male readers haha. Life is spinning and spinning so I might as well throw out an anchor and try and give some details. My car started making noises a few days ago. After taking it in last night I get a call this…
The Beginning of a Long Fall
Today marks a day of commitment. After years of talking about it I signed up for [Skydive Carolina’s]( accellerated free fall program ([AFF]( September 23rd will be a day of coursework then a long step out of a perfectly good plane. I am so very excited to have finally firmed this up and am taking…
Evening Out, NoDa & Joe Firstman
We stepped out after work yesterday to shop around the North Davidson st. ([NoDa]( area and planned on attending the “[Joe Firstman Band with Friends & Family](” concert at [Neighborhood Theater](
Typo 4.0 Upgrade
Phew. That took a bit more time than it [should have]( I think everything is back to normal. If you see otherwise let me know. Sorry for the downtime. For those that are technically inclined I was running a trunk version of [typo]( 2.6 out of subversion. It was rather dated and much had changed.…
Summer so crazy
I bet you all think I’m next to a pool, drinking coffee with a little absolute and just floating the summer away. In my mind. If I had room. hehehe. The summer has really been a whirlwind. [Transformus]( is upon us and the last two weeks that has drained most of my mental capability. Our…
Flickr Explore
1. Cappuccino Etching, 2. Dagoba Mocha, No Whip, 3. Charlotte Hero’s Convention, 4. Bubble Rosetta, 5. Naked 03, 6. Latte Art 006, 7. Berry Parfait 01 This is fairly narcissistic I’m sure. Being that my birthday was yesterday I think I’ve got some +/- days to enjoy it. I didn’t know that [someone]( had made…