Author: andy

  • Upset Over the Free

    Facebook is releasing Places online. Probably on the verge of swallowing the competition–or not.  What I find really interesting is the fact of how irksome people get when they find out the service shares their data with their friends.  Seriously?  Then get all fussy wanting to have the options off by default. Really?  This is…

  • Spagetti Sopressata Bake

    This week I’ve had a need for a spagetti bake.  Who knows why–comfort, memory, noodle casserole desire. I just wanted one. I let some intuition do the driving here as I wasn’t quite sure what I was up to but had a good inkling of where it was going to head.  This is not a quick recipe but it is rewarding…

  • Birthday Wishes & Skydives

    I turned 34 this week and had a rather tepid working Birthday. I got to be a little reflective and had more wishes on Facebook than I’ve ever had before. It was pretty special. My celebrations got strung over the week which was fine by me. I had a lunch with my mom, a dinner…

  • The Content Juggle

    I have to maintain about 4 personal/chocolate related content places and at least 9 client blogs. That’s making it further difficult to find time to actually write something substance driven. I’ve decided to test out some aggregation of my twitter feed on Sunday’s. Since I do leak a lot of content in many areas I…

  • A Progression in the Sky

    I’ve been jumping (skydiving) now for 4 years. I am not as far in disciplines (roughly 160 jumps) due to the upheaval financially we’ve all experienced one way or another over the course but I still manage to learn and have fun. I fly with some great people at Skydive Carolina and when Lee and…

  • A Bearded Moment

    Every man, no matter what age, wants to at one time or another grow a beard. Then one day they try it and your genetics show through. Patchwork to needles, lay flat or go bushman, only the code knows. While I had a brush with some extended chops and a jowel line a few times…

  • Dell Mini 10v Hackintosh Review

    With the end of the year fast approaching I needed a new laptop but with the lifecycle of the Macbook Pro’s near their limit and the possibility of some new technology so close to the horizon I decided to save a little money and build a hackintosh with a Dell Mini 10v. Research Required This…