Author: andy
Rinse, Repeat, Accelerate
The U.S. Thanksgiving Holiday is upon us. While I’m a bit murky on the level of ire I have towards the concept we’re heading to Pensacola, FL to visit some family. We’ve been rather busy per-usual here in the Ciordia household. Robin’s classes are getting close to finals and since she has online courses they…
The 10 Steps to a Strong Personal Foundation
I’ve been hunting and pecking optimal thoughts for many years. Going through an old office folder of things I had on my wall I came across ‘The 10 Steps to a Strong Personal Foundation’. If you have this in one hand and some form of gtd philosophy in the other I don’t think you can…
Altitude Awareness
I tried to get a jump in this weekend but I got on the idea too late and thus couldn’t get on manifest. I turned around and decided to continue the purging and reformation of my office. I’ve fallen out of my [GTD]( swing and I needed to reinvest the time to get back on…
October 3, Day Against DRM
Protect your freedom! (DRM) DRM is used to restrict what you and your family can do with the electronic devices and media purchased. It is an attempt by technology and media companies to take away your rights. DRM Means: No fair use. No purchase and resell. No private copies. No sharing. No backup. No swapping.…
AFF Jump 2, Success
Two down! The second jump was far far better than my first and leaves me with a great feeling of accomplishment. It can’t be described how wacky you get on a first jump. Your senses are overloaded and what that translates into is an easy ability to get lost, bewildered, and confused. On my first…
First AFF Jump Accomplished
Friday, September 29th I went back to [Skydive Carolina]( in Chester and with the help of Joey & Gene launced into the air at 11,500ft. I made a number of small mistakes and took a lot of lessons away from the jump. I had a great time and am looking forward to accomplishing more. Skydiving…
Weekend Wash
We rose a little before 6am on Saturday getting our things together to head down to Skydive Carolina in Chester, SC. I was scheduled for an 8am AFF (Assisted Free Fall) class to start my multitude of jumps to aquire a class A skydiving license. We arrived on schedule and it was going to be…