Author: andy
Quote: Chuck Swindol
>The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness, or skill. It is will make or break a…
2000 Bloggers, Knowing your Neighbors
I joined 2000 Bloggers early in the thread as the meme was about to catch fire. Only the SEO experts knew what it was going to do, the rest of us have just been enjoying the weird and interesting event. I thought it would be nice to follow what some of the 2kB‘rs are doing…
Wall-what? Hog? Like taking up space? That’s right, another beautiful concept from [Mark Seremet](, [Wallhogs]( takes media and makes it _big_. How big? As Mark will tell you, “[..] from 24″ to 7 feet tall X up to 52″”. Back in the early days of digital media transfer I used to get my art printed…
Few Moments in NYC
Finally caught some free wi-fi in the [Grumpies]( “Cafe Grumpy”). Quickly checking my email in detail, saying hi to a few in IM, responding to some [flickr](, but about to brave the cold and windy streets again to catch the Mary Poppins play. The [GTD]( seminar was fantastic and I’m processing notes for a writeup…
Stone Cup Roasting Co.
There’s been a lot of talk around me about [Stone Cup Roasting Co.]( out of Chattanooga. Run by an impassioned Jennifer Stone I was going to meet her this past week but scheduling conflicts are going to keep us apart for a while longer. From what I understand she’s working on some farm programs, good…
Heading to NYC
I can’t seem to get enough of the cold weather so we’re going to head to New York and stay in the city a few days. Arriving Wednesday leaving Sunday, we’ve got to hunker down to a [David Allen]( [seminar]( on Thursday. Robin’s really been getting into the GTD swing and once we’re both equalized…