Category: On the Radar
Why is banking culture so bad?
So I’m pretty irritated by most banking culture. Banks made bad decisions. They got bailed out, and they are still being given access to a lot of cash for 0% or very very low percentages. This means they can make even more money. Merchant Accounts, the good and bad. Banks also give merchant accounts. These…
First Month of Logan Ciordia
July 15th, 2011 my first son was born into the world. We’ve had our trials and tribulations but the birth of Richard Logan Ciordia was without incident. Robin began mild contractions on July 14th, at around 1am. For 21 hours we stayed at home and I got to take care of her, 3 square meals,…
Psychology, Sleep, and Wakemate
I’ve been a big fan of psychology and awake/sleep states. When I was in my 20s I studied at The Monroe Institute (binural/hemisync) and really enjoyed exerting control over our these levels. These lessons have been with me through hypnosis training and applications far and wide. One segment of study that has always intrigued me…
Upset Over the Free
Facebook is releasing Places online. Probably on the verge of swallowing the competition–or not. What I find really interesting is the fact of how irksome people get when they find out the service shares their data with their friends. Seriously? Then get all fussy wanting to have the options off by default. Really? This is…
A Progression in the Sky
I’ve been jumping (skydiving) now for 4 years. I am not as far in disciplines (roughly 160 jumps) due to the upheaval financially we’ve all experienced one way or another over the course but I still manage to learn and have fun. I fly with some great people at Skydive Carolina and when Lee and…
Dell Mini 10v Hackintosh Review
With the end of the year fast approaching I needed a new laptop but with the lifecycle of the Macbook Pro’s near their limit and the possibility of some new technology so close to the horizon I decided to save a little money and build a hackintosh with a Dell Mini 10v. Research Required This…