Category: On the Radar

  • New Face, New Engine, Typo

    This post brought to you by our friends at [Typo]( Typo is a Ruby on Rails project and after [Jeff](’s recommendation and giving it a quick tour I enjoyed what I saw. I quickly established a theme, modifed said theme, and in shorter order than I’ve ever had before, am here. New face and new…

  • NYT Editorial Letter

    This was pointed out to me today and I thought it worth echoing. A summation I couldn’t have worded any better. >To the Editor: >We have a government that engages in secret domestic spying by presidential decree; monitors personal library use; maintains secret prisons for unidentified prisoners held without recourse; engages in abusive treatment (if…

  • Few more steps back, property loss for the caffe

    Wish we had known sooner is all I can really desire. After months of delivery slides the Levine property group has decided to halt construction of their galleria location due to steel costs. At least that is what we are being told. The cost of steel has risen to such a degree that it would…

  • New York, Espresso, Eats, et al

    I’ve been absent, lost in New York. No not really, it was Robin’s 27th birthday and we were there for her grandmothers 85th. This was our best trip to New York yet. While we hammed it up on Long Island (Hicksville) with the family half the time, the other half was spent travelling for good…

  • MPAA & RIAA at it again

    Their at it again. The MPAA and RIAA proposing a triple bill to try and lock your consumer content rights away. Get busy, and contact [your representative](! Action Alert: Horror Triple Bill for Digital Technology This Thursday, the heads of the MPAA and RIAA presented to the House Subcommittee on the Courts, the Internet, and…

  • Testing Flock

    If you haven’t heard of Flock you might want to wait to try it (developer .5 prerelease), but keep an ear out as it might be a helpful tool to keep you on track in the next layering of the web. >”We started Flock to build tools that empower people and smooth out some of…

  • Going Analog, My Hipster PDA

    My new [Hipster PDA](, aka [hPDA](, aka going analog is being spawned by the current disconnect between software, user-interfaces, and people/social context. Technology is at a level that can handle most everything but without clean engineering and interop with a lot of devices, most things have limitations. Limitations equates into irritations which means if you…