Author: andy
Review: Look to Windward (Culture, #7)
Ah yes, another Culture novel visited. From the end of the Idirian war, it’s long felt after effects and early Special Circumstance meddling (botched.) What could be better? The story sits on Masaq orbital, holding many billions of lives in its balance. Zooming in further to the life of a Chelgrian composer named Ziller. Who…
Review: Consider Phlebas (Culture, #1)
I did not start here on my journey, I came back to it. This was neat. I’ve read a lot of Culture books and this war was referenced quite a few times throughout the series. If you are just beginning here good job. If you liked it, know that every Culture book will be different.…
Recommendations of Science Fiction Reading
I have a friend. Let’s call him Michael. Because that’s his name (haaaaa…ah). I asked him recently if he was a reader because I am an escapist always looking for a good book. Maybe others are too. He wasn’t actively a non-fiction reader but was open to some science fiction. Thinking about all the tomes…
Review: Grey Sister (Book of the Ancestor #2)
On closing this screening from Netgalley (thank you), I say… Mark, you devilish bastard! On the heels of Red Sister, we are committed to knowing how Nona and her cohorts will be raised, trained, and where they will end up in a world that is closing in. Ice walls, literally. With only the aimed faux…
Review: Only Human (Themis Files, #3)
I think I had a logarithmic star rating. over the course of the read: 4-3-4* Themis file #3. What a trip we have been on. In the first novel, I had some issues with the total file construct. It was novel but it wore on me over time. The second book really had a good…
Review: Persepolis Rising (The Expanse, #7)
Just.. wow.. If you’ve made it this far you have to be an Expanse fan and if you are a fan there is no way you can be disappointed with this book. If you are I want you to tell me why. To me you have every plot element necessary to facilitate a great story…
Review: Raven Stratagem
Raven Stratagem by Yoon Ha Lee My rating: 4 of 5 stars I read some peers reviews of this before I dove in and I agree with their assessments. Who stole our Yoon Ha Lee and replaced him with someone who explains things. XD I fully expected this to be a mind warp of digging…