Author: andy

  • Testing Flock

    If you haven’t heard of Flock you might want to wait to try it (developer .5 prerelease), but keep an ear out as it might be a helpful tool to keep you on track in the next layering of the web. >”We started Flock to build tools that empower people and smooth out some of…

  • Quote: Ernest Hemingway

    >There are some things which cannot be learned quickly, and time, which is all we have, must be paid heavily for their acquiring. — Ernest Hemingway

  • Going Analog, My Hipster PDA

    My new [Hipster PDA](, aka [hPDA](, aka going analog is being spawned by the current disconnect between software, user-interfaces, and people/social context. Technology is at a level that can handle most everything but without clean engineering and interop with a lot of devices, most things have limitations. Limitations equates into irritations which means if you…

  • Quote: Ralph Bunche

    > To make our way, we must have a firm resolve, persistence, tenacity. We must gear ourselves to work hard all the way. We can never let up. — Ralph Bunche

  • 1500 APC UPS Engaged

    Please no more spending of money on technology.. this stuff hurts.. but now we have I think the largest capacity home 110v APC Battery Backup. After wiring it all together and getting the server to acknowledge it we have probable statistics! * LOADPCT : 25.0 Percent Load Capacity * TIMELEFT : 35.1 Minutes I can…

  • Stability returning

    Glitches begone! So the machines stability is getting better. I have to pick up a larger UPS / battery backup. The one I have just does not handle power fluxuations around our home. Makes me cringe every time we flicker. Upgraded to Movable Type 3.2. Thought it was easy, but then due to the way…

  • The story of the glitch

    Man this has been a real pain. Whoever said technology makes life easier should really be held accountable. hehehe. I’d like to try and break this down into laymen terms but it’s rather difficult. In my machine there were three drives. * Boot / Root drive (sata) * /opt = archive & application file store…