Author: andy
Quote: Hakim Bey
> There is no becoming, no revolution, no struggle, no path; already you’re the monarch of your own skin–your inviolable freedom waits to be completed only by the love of other monarchs: a politics of dream, urgent as the blueness of sky. — [Hakim Bey](
The Year Ahead
I want this year to be productive. Everyone should. Is moping a good way to spend your time? Where are you going to be at the end of it? What will it have gained you? Nothing is not an option. Let’s work on something better than nothing; something productive, proactive, growth related. You can only…
Quote: Martin Luther King Jr.
>Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. — Martin Luther King, Jr.
New Face, New Engine, Typo
This post brought to you by our friends at [Typo]( Typo is a Ruby on Rails project and after [Jeff](’s recommendation and giving it a quick tour I enjoyed what I saw. I quickly established a theme, modifed said theme, and in shorter order than I’ve ever had before, am here. New face and new…
Worktime Observation
As arguments around a secretaries desk get more heated, the more m&m’s are consumed. Thus the health of the company is inversely proportionate to the rate at which M&Ms are being consumed… Thank’s to [Jeff]( for helping bring the illumination full circle.
NYT Editorial Letter
This was pointed out to me today and I thought it worth echoing. A summation I couldn’t have worded any better. >To the Editor: >We have a government that engages in secret domestic spying by presidential decree; monitors personal library use; maintains secret prisons for unidentified prisoners held without recourse; engages in abusive treatment (if…