Author: andy

  • Quote: Terry Goodkind

    From Chainfire >Freedom is never easy to keep and can be easily lost. All it takes is willful indifference.

  • Quickies, here I am.

    Ah how we love quickies.. well maybe I’m just talking to the male readers haha. Life is spinning and spinning so I might as well throw out an anchor and try and give some details. My car started making noises a few days ago. After taking it in last night I get a call this…

  • The Beginning of a Long Fall

    Today marks a day of commitment. After years of talking about it I signed up for [Skydive Carolina’s]( accellerated free fall program ([AFF]( September 23rd will be a day of coursework then a long step out of a perfectly good plane. I am so very excited to have finally firmed this up and am taking…

  • Caffè Fresco Ambrosia Espresso

    After much cajoling from Noll we took on some new espresso and coffee’s from [Caffè Fresco]( Tony Sciandra, the proprietor of [Caffè Fresco]( makes a strong effort to educate those who buy his product. The general rules of thumb are posted on the site as well as in your purchase email he goes to a…

  • Quote: Dr. Seuss

    >I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, It’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, And that enables you to laugh at life’s realities. –Dr. Seuss

  • Evening Out, NoDa & Joe Firstman

    We stepped out after work yesterday to shop around the North Davidson st. ([NoDa]( area and planned on attending the “[Joe Firstman Band with Friends & Family](” concert at [Neighborhood Theater](

  • V for Vendetta

    If you haven’t seen this [movie](, may I take a moment to recommend it. It is by all means Orwellian in its nature. It pulls no punches delivering a series of mini-stories wrapped into a greater story of character. When push comes to shove. When you trade freedom for security. Just how far would you…