Diptic of Andy and His Disconnected Ponytail

Off with his…….hair!

Diptic of Andy and His Disconnected PonytailAfter at least 20 years of having or growing my (awesome) mane, it got lopped off. It wasn’t a wild hair (hah).

During Robin’s 2nd trimester over a year ago, I said I’d grow my hair out as long as I was able and donate it when Logan was born. Well, he was born and I was busy, lazy, or a myriad of other things and it didn’t get done.


Now he’s nearing 11 months old and my hair was freaking long. Longer than I’d have ever wanted it even under normal circumstances. With Robin’s hand holding, I finally figured out a time to get it done and a style I could try.

The Cut

I went to a really well-reviewed barbershop downtown, The Cut, and Mandie quickly sized me and my hair up—and yes… I think I went into a mild case of shock when it was cut.

Snip Snip

To make sure we had a good donation, she cut a bit more off than I wanted but it’s done and it can grow back if I please. Now 12″ of my hair is on its way to Locks of Love. I’m glad I finally honored my commitments, and the new look isn’t bad—even after sleeping on it a night. 😀