Author: andy

  • Writers Wasteland

    I write so much content it scares me. If I had known I was going to be writing as much as I do when I was a kid I would have paid far more attention to the mechanics of english. While I have a good grasp I probably write like a monkey to some. It’s…

  • Transition Times, Goodbye 2008

    It has been a strange road, but isn’t it always? 2008 marks the tired end of a mixed bag year but a bright glimmer for 2009. Watching the Water My father taught me to know a good sailor was to look at his his wake. A clean straight wake leaving the boat was a sign…

  • A Real Green Revolution, Terra Madre 2008

    With great fanfare and after a lot of fundraising Slow Food Charlotte accomplished the huge task of sending over 14 people to Turin Italy for Terra Madre 2008. As a part of the observer arm of the delegation we were there to experience something special and unique. Which if you are in to food, culture,…

  • The First Great Forage

    The whirlwind of Andy’s life never stops, rarely slows, and is always ready to start up again. Why? Because he’s insane. Anyhow, the voices urge me onward. Recently I was able to organize and participate in a Slow Food Charlotte event that was with a local forager named Reed. A rule on foragers. They know…

  • Quote: Isaac Asimov

    The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That’s funny…” –Isaac Asimov

  • Fundraising with Friends, Co-Starring Chocolate and Pork

    Warning, if you are a strong vegetarian onwards you should know I am a great omnivore and only have respect for my foodsources. This article is highly doused in the art of pork and I hope you will still love me in the end. I think I’m finally fully out of my meat-choco-coma. It took…

  • Gateway Village Market Needs Help



    Written at the Gateway Market in downtown Charlotte while hanging out with the Secret Chocolatier. At Gateway Promenade there has been an ongoing Thursday market for the past few years. This year the markets coordination duties were pushed onto the communities concierge due to the original coordinators departure. The difference from the vendors perspective is…