I write so much content it scares me. If I had known I was going to be writing as much as I do when I was a kid I would have paid far more attention to the mechanics of english. While I have a good grasp I probably write like a monkey to some.
It’s a poor excuse then why I am not writing personally. I get to write pretty close to the surface on our homemade chocolate blog. Combine that with a cyclical heavy twitter usage and I’ve been rather equalized. I’d run some digest feeds here but that feels wrong.
Still all poor excuses I can hear already!
I run on coffee!
I’ve been participating in the green coffee buyers co-op and used the new/old roaster George Holt gave me so much it blew out. With some help from the guys at Hottop I received a new heating element and fuses and I’m back in action. Only problem now is I have a gap in my roaster and beans trickle out.
It’s always something.
I think I need an espresso truffle and a cup of coffee. Huzzah!