Summer so crazy

I bet you all think I’m next to a pool, drinking coffee with a little absolute and just floating the summer away. In my mind. If I had room. hehehe. The summer has really been a whirlwind.

[Transformus]( is upon us and the last two weeks that has drained most of my mental capability. Our theme camp [TikiTorchure]( “Flickr Photo Set”) is ready to go with the big head, fire, and rock and roll. It’s going to be an event I’m sure will be hard to condense into words…but I’ll try.

Bill Dietz, my father-in-law, and owner of [Mostly Muffins]( “Bakery out of Columbia”) has taken a position with [Sonoma Restaurants]( in Charlotte and we couldn’t be happier. Bringing Bill & Karen up to Charlotte has been on our list since a lot of how we unfold our future strategy in the food service market is dependent on Bill being near. Once he consolidates, migrates, and has time to get comfortable in the area we’re going to start one of those devious little plans we’ve been cooking up. Weeee!

I’ve been gaining slow traction on our local [Slow Food]( website. One of those part-time volunteer efforts but it’s going to be great. We plan on pulling our local contingency together through events, discussions, personal blogging, editorials, and regional harnessing of our food resources. On top of that the group wants to take charge of a few activism stances which will surely be an interest to watch.

The [day job]( is producing some interesting results as well. Jeff has been really really hard at work the last few months building a new stock-gift transaction service and I think it’s going to blow the doors off of the way you do stock transfers. On top of that Jeff and I have been inchworming our own solution to scratching itches we share. Maybe it’s cliche to say it’s a great time to be in technology, maybe it always is, but it is. heheh. Hopefully in the next 30-60 we’ll start our private alpha/beta and see if others like what we like. I think the koolaid tastes graperrific.

I’m around, busy as a bee. I just can’t seem to sit long enough to staple my thoughts into a post recently. You’d be ashamed at some of my to-do-graphs!

Pulse ok, breathing ok, EEG..well he’s breathing.
